Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Swedish Official Admits Toxic ‘Chemtrails’ Are Real, NOT a Wild Conspiracy Theory

World Truth TV

Those long, white streams of persistent, cloudy haze commonly blasted into blue skies by unmarked airplanes are not your typical contrails, says Swedish Green Party leader Pernilla Hagberg. As reported by the Swedish paper Katrineholms Kuriren, Hagberg, the first major political leader to come forward on the issue, has openly admitted that these unusual cloud trails, which fail to dissipate like normal contrails do, are actually a toxic mix of chemicals, viruses, and metals that she has collectively referred to as “Chemtrails.”

According to Hagberg, the sprayings are a joint endeavor by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), as well as the Swedish government in her own country, to modify atmospheric conditions via deliberate aerosol spraying efforts. And included in this “dangerous” mix of aerosols are various chemical components, viruses and viral fragments, and metals such as aluminum and barium, which have already been shown to be accumulating in water supplies and soils around the world.

Normal contrails, which are composed of mere water vapor that quickly dissipates after emission from jet engines, are far different from chemtrails, which gradually blanket the entire sky in a sea of white. The following video, put together by the FreeTruth Show, a YouTube-based radio broadcast, contains some imagery of what these chemtrails typically look like in the sky:

“It is great to see a politician bringing public attention to this issue and helping add to the credibility of this cause in the mainstream,” writes JG Vibes for The Intel Hub about Hagberg’s unprecedented public admission. “Unfortunately, this is a political problem that requires many non-political solutions.”

Spraying the skies to save the planet?

Interestingly, the United Nations (UN) and various Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-backed groups have recently been forced to admit that such sprayings are taking place, and that the emitted particles are not normal contrails. But their excuse for why chemtrail sprayings are being done is that they will somehow save the planet from the devastating effects of so-called “global warming,” that ever-present, pseudoscientific environmental theory that is often used as justification for all sorts of outlandish policy proposals.

In the case of chemtrails, everything from blocking the sun in order to lower the earth’s average temperatures, to deliberately shifting weather patterns for the purpose of offsetting the allegedly melting polar ice caps, have been used as excuses for trying to legitimize the seeding of our skies with a cornucopia of poisons. And if re-elected to another term, Hagberg says she will continue to fight such chemtrailing efforts in her own country, which she says have been co-opted by the Swedish government.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The IPCC Climate “Science” Exposed – James Corbett

The IPCC has released its latest assessment of the state of climate science, and this time it’s even more dire than their 2007 assessment. Global warming is “unequivocal” and humans are the “dominant cause” to a certainty of 95%. But how are these uncertainties calculated? And how does the IPCC process work anyway?



Thursday, May 8, 2014

Newtown residents and Sandy Hook parents win the Connecticut Lottery

Memory Hole
By Duke Reichert*

“There was a whole tribe of men who made their living simply by selling systems, forecasts, and lucky amulets. Winston had nothing to do with the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being nonexistent persons. ― George Orwell, 1984

You are almost certainly familiar with the fact that there is a mass of people around the world who question what “Sandy Hook” was, and you probably have you own opinion about how much of what the media told us was true. However, when it comes to truth, the people and events of the small village of Sandy Hook, Connecticut, and the 60 square mile of rural town in which it rests - Newtown - seem to be a mystery. And from what even the dodgy media are saying, that may not be a coincidence.

As the talking heads and printing presses interrupted our regular broadcasting, the critical masses and awakened population started to question what was being reported. A discerning public began to rise, a swell of whispers and theorizing that has become an internet frenzy, and fodder for podcasts, blogs, websites, and chat rooms. Seekers of truth are pushed to the periphery to find out what really happened that day, because the center of it all - the media stories and government reports - serve to show us only that the Sandy Hook event was without question a function of secrecy, an act of concealment. Lies of omission, and outright lies. And, if you believe the media’s version of events, your trusted media is, too, reporting that Sandy Hook is an event that is “shrouded in secrecy”, as reports Jon Lender of the Hartford Courant. Indeed, Lender explores this very topic in his article, “Secrecy, Funding Hobble Sandy Hook Commission” . More recently, the front page of The Hartford Courant trumpeted the headline, “FBI releases heavily blacked out records”.

To some it seems that Sandy Hook has opened a Pandora’s box of conspiracy and lies. As more is revealed each day, however, the information has started to beg the question: What if the secrecy did not start on 12/14/2012….What if Newtown, the Sandy Hook event—whatever one wishes to call it—was business as usual?

Let us take a look at a certain mysterious aspect of Sandy Hook, and Newtown, that predated the Sandy Hook Event (SHE). Without speculating if there is a conspiratorial, or even sinister reason for this, the facts stand:

...certain Newtown residents are winning the lottery at alarmingly strange intervals, at high rates of succession and repetition.

Sandy Hook, one of 17 “neighborhoods” (the town’s .gov website lists five, but maps and Wikipedia list 17’ Sandy Hook is the only one with its own zip code) in the 60 square mile town of Newtown, is the home of many of those anomalous cases. They are recorded here as they appear on the lottery websites, and confirmed by matching them with other public records, such as town hall records of home ownership to check where individuals reside, and other relevant public documents.

I came upon this interesting lottery connection when I was reading something about Mark Mattioli, SHE victim James’ father. Mattioli has been featured at legislative meetings, speaking out like the other parents of victims’ of Sandy Hook, but in a notably different manner—Mattioli has become known as the black sheep of the victims’ families—he is “pro gun.”

Working with lobbyists from the National Rifle Association, Mattioli has spoken out about Americans’ Constitutional right to bear arms, blaming not the gun laws on what allegedly happened at Sandy Hook Elementary, but rather on the individual. His stance is unpopular, and for that he has garnered considerable media attention—much of which has been disbelieving. Losing a son, and being shunned by because of his controversial views on gun control, Mattioli has nevertheless had some rays of sunshine peering through the clouds.

An old adage is that you can’t win if you don’t play. With this in mind enthusiastic lottery winners from all over the state would have the same type of winning percentages. Yet in Connecticut this is far from the case the case. A cursory check of lottery winners’ names and dates in Florida, a randomly selected state, show few-if-any repeat winnings.

Yet this is hardly the case in Connecticut. In 2009, for example, James Mattioli’s father Mark Mattioli won the lotto 3 times, within 3 weeks! He won lotto again in 2011 for $100,000. Mattioli then won the lotto again in 2013 to the tune of $50, 000

Mattioli winning: 12/20/13

Mattioli winnings: 2009, 2011

Michele Ann Gay, co-founder with Alissa Parker, of Safe and Sound: A Sandy Hook Initiative

Michele Gay says of finding out of her daughter’s SHE death that it “was just a sucker punch…then my husband came in, from Massachusetts, where he was already working…” One can hear her recorded message here:

Michele Gay has a few aliases/’aka’s listed: Michele Kay, Michele Patuzzi, Michele United- based on unpaid search on Intelius.com. A phone call to Intelius showed that these aliases come from birth, marriage, death records, in addition to business ownership, motor vehicle records, and “self-reports,” which would include each time one submits a magazine subscription or a frequent shopper card application.

Monday, May 5, 2014

One Boston Fund key to Boston bombing hoax - Nathan Folks

Ed. - Bauman's prosthetic leg with bone attached never moves, he does not bend it or stretch it out - the only images of him at the scene are with his leg at this angle.  The white bandage is where the prosthetic begins.

Voice of Russia

Crisis actors, smoke bombs, fake blood and literal "smoke and mirrors" were all part of what was the false flag terrorist attack called the Boston Marathon Bombing. To anyone who saw the pictures and footage of fake blood, make- up artists and smiling “victims”. It was obvious that something was not right. For those involved in filmmaking and in the know the discrepancies were obvious. We spoke to famous Hollywood filmmaker, producer and director Nathan Folks about why he is certain the Boston Marathon Bombing was a false flag terrorist attack.

Audio file here

Hello, this is John Robles. I’m speaking with Mr. Nathan Folks, he is a well known US based film and TV director and producer. He is also one of the organizers of the Worldwide Wave of Action and a truth seeker. This is part 2 of a longer interview.


Robles: Can you tell us more details about the Boston bombing? Who was behind it exactly and the scheme where they made millions of dollars, as many details as you can, I would appreciate it...

Folks: I think there needs to be an investigation into the One Boston Fund and the money that millions of people gave to that fund which was a complete fraud. And I think that people that are making money of this need to be investigated and by doing so I think the truth will come out. But I also believe that if you do a little bit of homework of who actually is running One Boston Fund that supported a lot of this, it goes right up the line to Homeland Security and the people that wrote books on this exact nature. I am not going to name names but it is all on the writing. It is all documents, it is all there, it is just no one wants to read it and admit it.

Robles: What was the connection with Sandy Hook? Because there was some connection to some crisis actors from Sandy Hook and some people that were funding the Boston fund.

Folks: Yeah, it is very evident that there is a family, a very specific family, I believe the name is Greenberg, that has been used several times in several different events: in Sandy Hook they were the crying parents of one of the deceased boys.

Well, the same woman, the same man they were both used in several different instances, in several different events that have taken place in the last several years and they use the crisis actors over and over. They pay them off once and you know... I won’t be surprised when Carlos Arredondo is another hero of another event...

Robles: And he was at Boston, he was the..

Folks: Carlos Arredondo was the man in a cowboy hat, he was the Boston hero by getting these non-bleeding two-legged-blown-off man to safety. If they honestly believe that we all think that is real, then they have another think coming because that is the biggest joke I have ever seen.

Robles: I remember I studied the photographs of him running through the streets and just the expressions on all of the people’s faces was enough to tell me something was wrong. I mean I remember there was all these people apparently laying on the road and I think...

Folks: Oh yeah. The production designers in the scenes, I mean the makeup artist is in the scene helping everyone and then all of a sudden she is injured, you know, there is pictures of her being injured at the end. I mean, it is just so unbelievably ridiculous that I don’t want this to happen again, I don’t want them to put the country through this again.

Robles: It wasn’t just the country it was the world? I mean, I’m sitting here in Moscow, this was a pretty big thing for us. I mean, we were reporting it all night.

Folks: Yeah, you are right, it is putting the country in chaos and it is wrong.

You know, I know a friend of mine that has kids in school and the kid in school; it traumatized her for months after Sandy Hook. You know, this is just wrong what they are doing. And for whatever reasons they are doing it, it has got to be stopped.

And it’s out and they are going to come after me and they are going to say: “Oh yes he has no remorse for people that have been killed and no remorse for the injured.”

And I want to say: “You know what? Prove it!”

I want to interview every doctor that was used in the Boston Bombing, I’d like to find out where that money really went for the One Boston Fund, I want them to prove it, you know.

If they are going to come out against me and start saying: “Oh, well he has no feelings for all these people that have been killed.” Well, I put it back on them. The world know that this was a sham but no one wants to talk about it. But if they are going to come out and the they want to actually say: “This was real!”

Then I want them to come out and prove it other than these pictures or this media they put on the news. I want to see real proof, because that is what they make us do! Come up with real proof. Let’s see them come up with real proof.

Robles: Can you tell us about the Tsarnaev brothers, I’m sure they would like to see proof and their parents would and their father would and their mother would.

Folks: Well, in my opinion I think they were working with the FBI. I think that most of these incidences they are working with certain government companies, organizations.

I think they would like to see the proof too. I know that there were some lawsuits coming out against certain people that were blamed at first about the incident and I know why he is trying to sue, it is because his name was ruined in an event that never really happened.

So, I’d say: “You know what, join the lawsuit, prove to us and the world that this actually existed and then we will tell you how we really think.”

Robles: As a producer, as a professional with your professional acumen and with a cold professional eye you say: “Boston was a false flag attack organized by…?”

Folks: I believe it was organized by someone and I don’t know who. You can only hope that the government is not involved. You can only hope that we are here doing the right thing, but for whatever the reason it was not real. And anyone in the film industry will back me up that it is very obvious how they edited it and cut and spliced that scene together.

Robles: The biggest evidence that it was false: what would you say that would be?

Folks: I would say that I would look at the One Boston Fund and I would find out where that money went and I would… You know they always say: “Follow the money”, well, I would follow the money.

I’d find out: each one of these people who got money from this situation; why they got money; what public relations firm based out of DC represented all these people (I think that is another “untying” of the rope if you will), and it is just all there, it is all there.

Robles: Why aren’t people screaming about this? Why isn’t there an outcry?

Folks: Because they are controlling the media and the Internet. Even if there is an outcry no one is going to hear it.

We’ve been subject to no more freedom of speech and our constitutional rights here have been eliminated, because I can tell you there are millions and millions of people, millions and millions of Americans that would not stand for this. And I think this is the first chance we have to start to build back any credibility that maybe we ever had.

I think the Bush Administration, after what they have done and the lives they’ve taken from the world, we have a lot of catching up and fixing to do.

I think love needs to be spread now and that is the only thing that really, I’m about.

Robles: I think the only way to restore any kind of credibility is to go after all those people who did all this, from the torture at Guantanamo to 9-11. I think even going back to the Kennedy Assassination which they continue to obfuscate…

Folks: These people need to be held liable for what they’ve done.

Robles: I was happy to hear Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov yesterday say that the US should be held accountable. They should take responsibility for the coup they organized in Ukraine. But that is another entire matter...

Can you tell us about the Worldwide Wave of Action, what that is about and then about your film? And if you’d like to comment on the current media (I don’t know what it is) "alternate reality" that the US has created regarding Ukraine.

Folks: First Run Entertainment is releasing and distributing a film that I’ve produced with a series of producers called: “The Prosecution of an American President” which goes back to the Bush Administration and lies that they told during that administration.

Vincent Bugliosi, who is reported as one of the top prosecutors in the world, who put Charles Manson away, who essentially wrote some of the best books of our time, is the star of this film, showing the evidence of how the Bush Administration lied to the people in order to convince everyone, including Congress, to go to war. And going to a sovereign nation that has never done anything to us and do it based on lies.

People don’t want to hear that but it is something that needs to be said and it needs to be faced and it will. It will eventually come out and people will eventually do something about it.

The time is now! The Worldwide Wave of Action is a campaign: anonymously many people have come together worldwide to promote positive change in the world and expose the truth and expose people that are run by evil companies and evil corporations and evil governments and…

You know, there is good in the world. And that good has to come out somewhere and it has to beat this evil! They have to fight! And the Worldwide Wave of Action is that campaign if the people let it happen.

Robles: Where can people find out more about it? Dates, times, whatever, and how to join?

Folks: People can join the Wave of Action, it’s www dot wave of action dot org and also my site which is www dot worldwide wave of action dot com. We will be launching a new website, right now it is just a temporary page but a new website will be coming out and we will have a lot more information how the world can help and help everyone come to the truth that we are all seeking.

Robles: Can I ask you a little bit of a personal question if you don’t mind?

Folks: Sure.

Robles: When I first talked to you, about a year ago, you sounded different, you sounded optimistic, you sounded younger, you sounded more innocent, now you sound a little “tired”.  How has this affected you personally if you don’t mind me asking?

Folks: I can tell you that this last year, 2013, was pretty much an awakening for me on many levels. A lot of corporate and “other” situations that are happening, that I don’t know if they are related or not but… When someone is sickened and put in the hospital and abused in certain ways; you are beaten down, but the only thing that it is really to me: I may be tired and I may be pretty much exhausted from working on all these things, but the fire is lit brighter and harder than it has ever been. Because now I see how much more this is important to the world and how the film “The Prosecution of an American President” (as well as the Worldwide Wave of Action) now, is more needed that it has ever been.

I was naïve a year ago. I was blinded by many things and as soon as these things came to light I saw what I needed to do, which was to step up and start making it different and doing it now because no one else seems to be doing it.

And the Worldwide Wave of Action I believe is that exactly: everyone around the world coming together to demand the truth and demand these people to be held responsible.

Robles: Ok, “we” are going to help you any way we can, we are going to get this out as much as we can. It was a great honor speaking with you. I really appreciate you. I know you are actually in real danger, so we will do our best to get this out as much as possible.

Folks: Great! Wonderful! Thank you.

Robles: I think the best thing you can do (and the best thing we can do for you) is publicize everything that you are saying and just for the listeners, one more time: you were really, seriously persecuted; you had to leave your home several times and stuff. I think you should write a book about that sometime.

Folks: Yeah, I think that after we can get everything else out,I can finally sit down and take the time to write something. I’d like to do that.

Robles: Is there anything you want to say about Boston to rap it up? The FBI agents that were killed, the Tsarnaev friend that was killed… Can you comment on those? Do you want to?

Folks: The peripheral people that were involved, we don’t know why they were killed, we don’t know if they were exposing the truth and then killed. I may not be alive tomorrow because I’m talking about it.

There are all these things that we don’t know, there are certain things we just don’t know. But one thing we do know is that there is something really, really smelly about this whole situation and it needs to exposed, it needs to be investigated, even as must as the JFK Assassination.

Robles: As a film producer… (last comment if you could about… a little off topic I’m sorry but) I’ve heard reports from people in the states, from people in Ukraine, from people in Europe, that they’ve watched television reports of tanks rolling through the streets of Kiev, etc. etc., stuff that we know is not happening. Is it possible in 2014 that they are fabricating all this news?

Folks: After Boston I could say that I’m almost positive that they are more than likely fabricating news to create a fear and design the outcome that they want.

When I say ‘they’ I mean the evil people that are pushing for wars and pushing for The Complex and pushing for everything that we are not about. And yeah, I don’t see that it would be above them to do something like that at this point! I think that they definitely have something to do with it. Robles: It is a war not against terror but it is a war using terror, it is a war that is hyped-up “on” terror I think, and they are terrorizing the people.

Folks: It is now a war on freedom of speech, it is now a war on the media and it is a war on the world’s civil liberties and that is the real war we are fighting now.

Robles: Anything else you want to finish up with or?

Folks: No, I just think that if anybody wants to get involved, join the www.waveofaction.org or see my site at www.worldwidewaveofaction.com which will be a platform for the film that we are releasing and all new information that comes out about this situation.

Robles: Ok, thank you very much, Nathan, I really appreciate it.

Folks: Thank you, John! Thank you so much.

This is John Roles, you were listening to an interview with Nathan Folks, he is a well-known US film and TV director and producer. He is also the organizer of the Worldwide Wave of Action. You can find the rest of this interview on our website voiceofrussia.com. Thank you very much for listening! 

Crisis actors being positioned and made up. Notice red paint. Blood is never such a bright red. Scene workers ignoring man with sticks attached to his amputated legs. No blood in area where his leg was apparently severed and what is supposed to be a bone is much too thin and straight to be a lower leg bone. The expression on his face is the most telling clue that something is wrong. Photo provided by Nathan Folks.

Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document

Activist Post

 What if the government could change people's moral beliefs or stop political dissent through remote control of people's brains?

Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, a leaked document reveals that the US government, through DARPA research, is very close to accomplishing this.

Activist Post was recently contacted by an anonymous whistleblower who worked on a secret ongoing mind-control project for DARPA. The aim of the program is to remotely disrupt political dissent and extremism by employing "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation" (TMS) in tandem with sophisticated propaganda based on this technology. TMS stimulates the temporal lobe of the brain with electromagnetic fields.

The program, conducted by The Center for Strategic Communication, is based at Arizona State University. The DARPA funding for this project can be confirmed on the ASU website here. The head of the project, Steve Corman, has worked extensively in the area of strategic communication as it applies to terrorism and "extremism" - or what could be called "the war of ideas."

Corman's latest project Narrating The Exit From Afghanistan and his many presentations make it quite obvious that the mission is to shape the narrative and literally change people's minds. Lest one believe it will be contained to overseas extremists, we should keep in mind that the word extremist is increasingly used domestically. The dissenters of yesterday could easily become the terrorist sympathizers and supporters of political violence tomorrow.

This DARPA research brings about many ethical questions and dilemmas. Mainly, this research aims to literally induce or disrupt the operation of narratives within the brain. In other words, this research aims to stop individuals from thinking certain thoughts and make others believe things they normally would not believe. This research has tremendous interrogation possibilities and could potentially be used to more successfully spread propaganda or stop political upheaval to an unsuspecting public.

This research is being conducted by The Center for Strategic Communication at ASU and is entitled “Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects” A detailed overview of the project can be found in the document below. Highlights include:

In phase 3 of the research, the research group will “selectively alter aspects of narrative structure and brain functions via Transcranial Magnetic Simulation (TMS) to induce or disrupt selected features of narrative processing.” (Page 16, emphasis added)
TMS is a very powerful tool used to impair the brain functioning of individuals. See the videos below for a brief demonstration of the effects of TMS.

Once the research group determines which parts of the brain are associated with cognitive reasoning and narrative comprehension, they will be attempt to impair those sections in order to “create a fundamental basis for understanding how to disrupt or enhance aspects of narrative structure and/or brain functioning to minimize or maximize persuasive effects on subject proclivity to engage in political violence.” (Page 23)
Once it is determined that disruption of certain portions of the brain can enhance persuasive messaging, individuals can be persuaded to do things they normally would not do and believe things they normally would not believe. This could include something as simple as telling a closely guarded secret, to believing in government propaganda, or even committing a violent act. The group writes on page 26, “once we have produced a narrative comprehension model [i.e., how individuals comprehend stories and persuasive messages], end users [aka the government] will understand how to activate known neural networks (e.g., working memory or attention) and positive behavioral outcome (e.g., nonviolent actions) nodes with strategic communication messages as a means to reduce incidences of political violence in contested populations.” The group will investigate “possibilities for literally disrupting the activity of the NCN [narrative comprehension network] through Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.” (page 30) [text added]
The group is so confident that they will be able to induce or disrupt the operations of narratives in the brain, that they say on page 26 that the research “offers the capability to induce or disrupt the operation of narratives in the brain, and develops the capability to induce narrative validity [i.e., the believability of a particular narrative/message], transportation [i.e., the ability to be engaged by a narrative], and integration [i.e., associating a particular narrative with a larger, more culturally specific narrative] with certainty.” [text added]
The group gives the following example of this projects usefulness: “If it is the case that activation in one particular neural network enables people to connect personal narrative to master narratives [i.e., cultural narratives], by disrupting activity in that brain area, we should be able to selectively impair that specific aspect of narrative processing while holding other meaning making processes constant, effectively creating a ‘narrative disruptor.’ Not only would this be an important finding in the science of neural networks and narrative persuasion, but would also have considerably practical and strategic importance.” (page 40) [text added] 
Essentially, the research aims to literally disrupt how people think and comprehend ideas and messages.
Further, and perhaps even more terrifying, on page 40, the group writes, “Mechanical disruptions of narrative processing may be, ultimately, replicated in through targeted strategic communication campaigns that approximate the narrative disruptions induced via magnetic stimulation.” So, after figuring out which parts of the brain are activated by particular persuasive messages and propaganda, the government can test out messages that only activate particular portions of the brain and not others, in order to persuade individuals to believe or not believe something.
Essentially, they are attempting to modify brain functioning without TMS, and only words. One can only imagine the strategies the government could use with this technology. They could make the public believe almost anything that suits their needs. It could literally lead to mass brainwashing.

But what does this mean, practically? It means that if this research succeeds, the government will be able to modify how one personally thinks. They could strap you in a chair, put a machine to your head, turn off parts of your brain, introduce a persuasive message, and make you believe it.

Further, through extensive research, they may be able to replicate the machine’s brain disrupting functioning simply through carefully crafted and researched persuasive messages and propaganda. They can use brain imaging to determine which portions of the brain are activated when a particular message is presented to an individual, and if the “right” portions are activated, they know the message will circumvent one’s mental reasoning and lead to almost automatic acceptance. With enough data, the government could spread propaganda through the media that people will almost automatically believe, whether it is true or not.

In terms of interrogation possibilities, Transcranical Magnetic Stimulation can be forced upon individuals to make them believe certain things, say certain things, and perhaps admit to acts they did not actually commit (as the TMS can induce narrative validity), or commit acts they normally would not commit.

The government is literally trying to brainwash the public. This is not science fiction. Technology has made it possible to induce and disrupt cognitive functioning in individuals. In the future, your thoughts may not be your own, but ones that have been implanted into your brain through exceedingly successful and validated propaganda.

Meeting notes indicate concern about how the project will be perceived, particularly the focus on the Christian/Muslim element.

Note: As you can see, Scribd has taken down the documents. While we attempt to get them restored, here are the mirror links:

Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects



Additional information

In 2002 The Economist noted that neuroscience would be the future of mind control. Well, now we're evidently here. This area of study has received $100 million in funding via Obama's ten-year BRAIN Project, as well as a $1.3 billion commitment from Europe. The human brain is seen as the final frontier, and is being explored from every angle conceivable.

The above investments are openly discussed. The same is true for the National Nanotechnology Initiative 2011 Strategic Plan. This 60-page document lays out a projected future "to understand and control matter" for the management of every facet of human life in the areas of environment, health and safety. Twenty-five U.S. Federal agencies are participating.

Concurrently, there is heavy military funding through agencies such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This raises the question of transparency when a "black budget" often justifies total secrecy in the name of national security.

Advancements in neuroscience are coming at an exponential rate, as each day seems to headline a new breakthrough. For example, it recently has been announced that:

The 'Google Earth' of 3D Brain Maps is Here

"Neural Dust" is being researched, which could enable remote spying on the human brain.

A new microchip can mimic the brain and imitate the brain's information processing in real time. These are mainstream announcements and can no longer be dismissed as conspiracy theory.

For now, there appears to be a lot of parsing of words within the ASU project to stress that this is about "persuasion" not "influence" which can be seen in the meeting notes. It's also repeatedly mentioned that there is not a desire to organically change the brain itself, but to focus on the story being told and how to properly disseminate information -- propaganda, in other words. Finally, there is the troubling note about focusing on the Christian/Muslim narrative as exemplary of the extremism which needs to be reprogrammed.

Given what we know about the other military research into direct mind control, any benign assertions of this project at ASU must be called into question. The fact that members of this group were divided into teams red and blue to construct arguments for and against if word were to get out to "activists" and the public is additionally troubling.

If we combine all of this information with other releases about The Pentagon's work with "narrative networks," reported on by the BBC, it becomes clear that now is the time to discuss ethics, as no one in the scientific and military communities seems eager to bring possible attacks on our free will to the forefront.

Will you take the red pill or the blue pill?

NASA Expert Warns of Rogue Geoengineers and Chemtrail Consequences


Droughts, famine, chemtrails and the global game of risk: geoengineering is real, and inevitable part of the future, when science tries to orchestrate nature in the name of taming climate change, while experts argue over who will make the rules in the global governance of weather modification and geoengineering.

Could a rogue billionaire tinker with the delicate balance of our Earth? Might a mad scientist even “weaponize” weather control to wield power over the planet? Who calls the shots, and who watchers the modifiers?

Everything is possible, warns Riley Duren, Chief Systems Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs. Chemtrails and geoengineering are no longer the things of conspiratorial speculation or retro science fiction – they are the scenarios shaping the world to come as science contemplates how far is too far for man to go in the name of a global environmental crisis?