Monday, January 27, 2014

‘Human Cull’: How to Decode Elite Eugenics Propaganda

Back in the 1930′s, Eugenics messaging on street notices like the one above could be seen in cities around America.

In 2014, the public are being subjected to an onslaught of elite Eugenics propaganda. Only last week, London Telegraph celebrated its front page headline entitled, ‘Happier relationships for couples without children‘.

“For centuries, having children has been held up by many as the ultimate source of fulfilment and meaning in life.

However, according to one of the biggest studies ever conducted into Britain’s relationships, childless couples have happier marriages.”

This type of social engineering propaganda is not only designed to distort reality, but also to help discourage young people from pursuing marriage and family – by literally getting humanity to reject itself as a viable species.

Behind the news media however, are a cabal of unelected billionaire ‘philanthropists’, who claim that their life’s work is about “saving lives”, when in fact it’s just the opposite.

As Truthstream Media point out below, elites push their agenda through using “conscience laundering” via their global Charitable-Industrial Complex…

Eugenics and Population Control: How the 85 richest see the 3.5 billion poorest
by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
Truthstream Media

With smashing timing, Bill and Melinda Gates released a missive in the Wall Street Journal about the three myths on the world’s poor coinciding with a report announcing that the top richest 85 people (a list they are solidly on) in the world have more money than the poorest 3.5 billion or 50% of the entire world’s population.

This is an insane wealth gap. These people and their bajillions are essentially running the world.

In the third myth of their response, the Gates’ commend Thailand as a great example of family planning because Thai women went from having an average of six children per woman just a few decades ago to having an average of 1.6 children today.

There’s just one problem. Replacement rate — that is the number of children needed to maintain a stable population — is 2.1 (but it’s even higher for countries with higher mortality rates). That means that Thailand is below replacement rate, a reality that is screwing up the country’s social and economic foundations.

It’s so bad in Thailand, actually, that articles have detailed the “aging crisis” the country now faces due to the low birth rate. In fact, all the Asian nations are now facing this issue, and most of the developed world is below replacement rate as well.

Leave it to Bill Gates, billionaire eugenicist extraordinaire, to applaud a country for committing demographic suicide.

For more on “conscience laundering” and the Charitable-Industrial Complex read this.

Population Control: A Centuries Old Agenda Driven by Philanthropic Dollars

For just over a century, since its formation in 1913, the Rockefeller Foundation and other organizations created by the Rockefeller Dynasty have steered the direction of global attitudes towards population, birth control and eugenics.

Elite money from the East Coast of America joined with the aristocratically-inclined scientific crowd from Britain to create an organized attempt to establish Eugenics as a mindset that enabled elite control, and gave a rationale for reigning in the procreation of those declared unfit. Leading industrial magnates threw the weight of their wealth behind the fields of social work, genetics, medicine, public health agencies and politics to establish new offices, new organization and new laws to enforce Eugenics – declaring the unfit stripped of their right to breed, while glorifying the reproduction of best as progressors of the race of the world state.

The Rockefellers were leaders in this area, using their foundation to pursue Eugenics in university research and attempt to engineer a ‘new Man’ by controlling the science of life and establishing a tyranny over the reproductive cycle. Privately the Rockefellers funded Margaret Sanger, founder of the organization that became Planned Parenthood and who stirred controversy in Congressional testimony for breaking laws by promoting birth control. It also funded extreme eugenicists like Paul Popenoe in America and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Nazi Germany, set up explicitly to study eugenics under individuals like the notorious Josef Mengele.

After WWII and the stain of the Nazis, the Rockefellers helped Eugenics shed its dark associations and re-brand under cause like “Family Planning & Worldwide Planned Parenthood” through organizations which most notably include John D. Rockefeller III’s Population Council. Rockefeller money paid for lots of propaganda and instituted involuntary sterilization programs in Puerto Rico, Brazil and California, among many other locales. National Family Planning ministries in India, China, Peru and elsewhere have enforced compulsory sterilization and/or birth limits with often dictatorial and genocidal population control methods.

Family planning programs were pushed on most of the developing nations of the world, with special emphasis on the top countries with the largest population growth – which was echoed in State Department and National Security policy through Henry Kissinger’s 1974 NSSM #200 memo - which identified population as a major threat to national security and recommended the use of “food as a weapon” in order to curb populations…

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Deborah Tavares - Smart Meters at Oathkeepers Meeting


Deborah Tavares speaks at Oathkeepers Meeting in So. California 9-2012 on Oct 6, 2012
about Refusing Smart Meters and more...